These 80+ groups want to outlaw emergency abortions
Far from valuing life, they wish to subjugate your life to their ideological whims.
It's been less than two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and already your life and health are up for debate— the fate thereof now in the hands of a far right, unelected Court.
Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the consolidated cases Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States. The Court will decide whether states can force your doctor to stand idly by and watch, hands tied, as you develop sepis and your organs fail from septic shock, as you bleed out, as blood clots form in your lungs, as one of your limbs turns black, as you die.
Over eighty anti-abortion, Christian, conservative, family, and church groups that oppose reproductive rights and the equal status of women as citizens have submitted amicus briefs to the Supreme Court in support of what is none other than state-mandated torture, arguing that the State of Idaho (and, thus, all states) has the right to bar pregnant patients from receiving emergency medical care by criminalizing healthcare and the doctors who provide it.
Among these groups’ ostensible tenets is a value for life. In reality, however, these groups are solely opposed to abortion — so much so that they are advocating for the sacrifice of maternal life and for the government to have the right to inflict irreparable harms upon a pregnant patient’s health. Life has nothing to do with it. — It's about control.
⬇️ Below is an alphabetical list of these groups. You can click on the footnote for each group to read more about the group and visit its website.
Advancing American Freedom1
Alabama Policy Institute2
Alaska Family Council3
Alliance For Law And Liberty4
American Association Of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists5
American Center For Law and Justice6
American Family Association Action7
Americans for Limited Government8
American Values9
America’s Future10
Anglicans for Life11
California Family Council12
Catholic Bar Association13
Catholic Benefits Association14
Catholics Count15
Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance16
Catholic Medical Association17
Center For Arizona Policy18
Center for Christian Virtue19
Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence20
Center for Political Renewal21
Center for Urban Renewal and Education22
Charlotte Lozier Institute23
Christian Civic League of Maine24
Christian Medical & Dental Associations25
Christ Medicus Foundation26
Concerned Women for America27
Cornerstone Action28
Conservative Legal Def. and Education Fund29
Eagle Forum32
Faith and Freedom Coalition33
Family Council in Arkansas34
Family Policy Alliance35
Frontline Policy Council36
Foundation for Moral Law37
Galen Institute38
Idaho Family Policy Center39
Institute for Faith and Family40
International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers41
Kansas Family Voice44
Liberty Alliance45
Louisiana Family Forum46
Lutheran Center For Religious Liberty47
Lutherans for Life48
Manhattan Institute49
Maryland Family Institute50
Massachusetts Family Institute51
Men And Women for a Representative Democracy In America, Inc.52
Men For Life53
Minnesota Family Council54
Montana Family Foundation55
National Catholic Bioethics Center56
National Right to Life Committee57
Nebraska Family Alliance58
New Jersey Family Foundation59
New Mexico Family Action Movement60
New Yorker’s Family Research Foundation61
North Carolina Family Policy Council62
North Dakota Family Alliance63
Roughrider Policy Center66
Samaritan’s Purse67
Setting Things Right68
60 Plus Association69
South Dakota Family Voice Action70
Stanton International71
Texas Values72
The Family Foundation in Kentucky73
The Family Foundation (TFF) of Virginia74
The FAMiLY Leader75
The Justice Foundation76
The Prolife Center at The University Of St. Thomas77
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.78
Two Kingdoms Ministry79
Young America’s Foundation84
Advancing American Freedom is right-wing political advocacy group founded by Mike Pence in 2021, to “shape the conversation around the Trump administration’s legacy” (CNN). According to a statement from the group, the group’s stated goal is to “promote the pro-freedom policies of the last four years that created unprecedented prosperity at home and restored respect for America abroad, to defend those policies from liberal attacks and media distortions, and to prevent the radical Left from enacting its policy agenda that would threaten America’s freedoms” (CNN). / Website:
Alabama Policy Institute is a conservative think tank. It’s mission is “to improve the lives of Alabamians through public policy that honors the principles of free markets, limited government, and strong families.” / Website:
Alaska Family Council is a non-profit, conservative Christian public policy organization. It’s “mission is to strategically advance Biblical truth in the public arena” / Website:
Alliance For Law And Liberty is a conservative Christian 501(c)(3) organization. It’s mission “is to equip Tennesseans and their public officials to effectively promote and defend a culture that values God’s design for marriage and the family, life, and religious liberty for the common good.” / Website:
AAPLOG “is a group that uses its members’ medical certifications to push false information regarding abortion and birth control. Since most of its claims fall outside what is accepted by the medical and scientific communities, AAPLOG has accused other medical professionals of using ‘politically correct’ research’” (Pro-Lies). Like the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, “AAPLOG is always scouting for new expert witnesses to lend credibility to their lawsuits and has been regularly hosting expert-witness trainings around the country” (Arizona Mirror). / Website:
American Center For Law and Justice is a far right, Christian legal advocacy organization against the separation of church and state. / Website:
AFA Action is the 501(c)(4) lobbying arm of the American Family Association, a powerful Christian fundamentalist organization. American Family Association is a designated hate group. In 2010, American Family Association’s then-director of issue analysis for government and public policy, Bryan Fischer, wrote “Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews” (SPLC). AFA Action describes itself as “dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association.” It’s mission is “to inform, equip, and activate individuals and families to transform American culture and to give aid to the church, here and abroad, in its calling to fulfill the Great Commission.” It’s mission is “to inform, equip, and activate individuals and families to transform American culture and to give aid to the church, here and abroad, in its calling to fulfill the Great Commission.” / Website:
Americans for Limited Government is a conservative 501(c)(4) dark money organization. According to its website, Americans for Limited Government “is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by restoring constitutionally limited government, allowing individuals to pursue life, liberty and happiness.” / Website:
American Values is a conservative Christian lobbying organization. According to its website, “American Values is a non-profit organization committed to uniting the American people around the vision of our Founding Fathers.” / Website:
America’s Future is a conservative leadership organization that, according to its website, “recruits and cultivates young professionals to become effective, lifelong advocates who will inspire their peers to embrace freedom.” The group clams that it “empowers young people to be active, civil, and curious citizens who build freer communities that lead to fulfillment, dignity, and happiness for all.” / Website:
Anglicans for Life is the anti-abortion ministry of the Anglican Church in North America, which split from the Episcopal Church. On its website, Anglicans for Life spreads long-disproven lies, falsely claiming that abortion causes infertility, breast cancer, and mental illness and suicide. Because fetal rights have historically failed to persuade a majority of Americans, “anti-abortion forces,” including Anglicans for Life, “shifted their stigma-based strategies from a morality-based fetal rights framing to a public health framework that stigmatized aborting women based on the alleged mental illness caused by abortion” (Deviant Behavior). Like other groups who promote the lie that abortion causes mental illness, Anglicans for Life does not recommend medical help or professional counseling for women but instead directs women to Christian peer counseling groups. The Anglicans for Life website also sends visitors to the disinformation site, Breast Cancer Prevention Institute. The Rev. Canon Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life, co-founded the Silent No More Awareness Campaign with Priests for Life, a radical anti-abortion group headed by defrocked, former Catholic priest Frank Pavone. Silent No More uncritically collects and publishes testimony containing medical misinformation about abortion, contraception, etc. / Website:
California Family Council’s mission is “Advancing God’s Design for Life, Family, & Liberty through California’s Church, Capitol, & Culture.” / Website:
Catholic Bar Association, according to its website, “is a community of legal professionals that educates, organizes and inspires its members to faithfully uphold and bear witness to the Catholic Faith in the study and practice of the law.”; purpose: “To uphold the principles of the Catholic faith in the practice of law To assist the Church in the work of communicating Catholic legal principles to the legal profession and society at large To support Catholic attorneys in faithfully applying Catholic ethical principles in the practice of law To introduce Catholic attorneys to one another and to facilitate their working together with mutual support and understanding.” / Website:
According to its website, Catholic Benefits Association “provides legal advocacy and litigation in defense of the First Amendment rights of Catholic employers.”; mission: “In an environment of increasing secular pressure on our constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom, the CBA is a leading force in the support and defense of all American Catholic Employers seeking to pursue their ministries and businesses in keeping with their Catholic faith.” / Website:
Catholics Count describes itself as “an effort by lay members of the Catholic Church to reassert their 1st Amendment rights to be active participants in the politics in NYS and the nation.” / Website:
Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance describes itself as “a coalition of faithful Catholic organizations dedicated to renewing health care through evangelization, education, advocacy, and mutual support.” / Website:
Catholic Medical Association is an organization of Catholic physicians, dentists, and health care professionals. Its mission is “Forming and supporting current and future physicians to live and promote the principles of the Catholic Faith in the science and practice of medicine.” / Website:
Center For Arizona Policy is a conservative lobbying group; mission: “to promote and defend the foundational values of life, marriage and family, and religious freedom.” / Website:
Center for Christian Virtue is a conservative Christian, sexual morality lobbying group. According to its website, the group “seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.” / Website:
Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence is a project of the far right Claremont Institute. Its mission mission “is to restore the constitutional design envisioned by our nation’s founders.” / Website:
Center for Urban Renewal and Education was founded by anti-abortion activist Star Parker to to promote “market-based solutions to fight poverty,” with particular focus on black communities” (Sourcewatch).
Charlotte Lozier Institute is the “research and education” arm of the powerful anti-abortion lobbying group SBA Pro-life America. CLI pushes “alarmist narratives about abortion, publishing annual reports applauding state-level abortion restrictions, spreading lies about research employing fetal tissue and advocating for deceptive anti-abortion centers. Its ‘experts’ also do [SBA Pro-life America’s] bidding by testifying before Congress and speaking on panels at other extremist anti-abortion organizations” (Pro-Lies). / Website:
Christian Civic League of Maine is a conservative Christian lobbying group first founded to support Prohibition. Its vision “is a state and nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.” / Website:
According to its website, Christian Medical & Dental Associations “educates, encourages, and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God. Christian healthcare professionals glorify God by following Christ, serving with excellence and compassion, caring for all people, and advancing Biblical principles impacting healthcare within the Church and throughout the world.” CMDA is a plaintiff in the lawsuit against mifepristone at the Supreme Court. CMDA scouts ‘for new expert witnesses to lend credibility to their lawsuits” (Arizona Mirror). CMDA and its members not only object to providing medically-necessary abortions, but are also currently “pursuing the right to turn away a patient whose pregnancy has already been terminated” (Slate).
Christ Medicus Foundation is a Catholic organization that, according to its website, “shares Jesus Christ’s healing love in health care. We champion religious freedom for medical professionals and patients. We promote Christ-centered pro-life medical care, and we offer our CURO Catholic health care community for medical needs and whole-person wellness.” / Website:
Concerned Women for America is a conservative, evangelical Christian, non-profit women's legislative action committee that is primarily led by well-funded anti-feminist interests (Campaign for Accountability). CWA also opposes insurance coverage of contraception. According to its website, CWA promotes “biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy.” / Website:
Cornerstone Action is the legislative arm of Cornerstone Policy Research, a New Hampshire conservative Christian think tank. Its mission is “to influence public policy.” / Website:
According to its website, Delaware Family Policy Council’s mission is “Rebuilding a culture of life, marriage, family, and religious freedom; Advocating for it through public policy and stewardship of government; and Cultivating effective and courageous leaders rooted in a Christian worldview.” / Website:
Democrats For Life describes its mission as “to defend Universal Human Rights within the Democratic Party and to elect Whole Life Democrats.” / Website:
Eagle Forum is a conservative interest group opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment that was founded by Phyllis Schlafly in 1972. Its mission “is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise.” / Website:
Faith and Freedom Coalition is a conservative Christian 501(c)(4) dark money political advocacy organization. The group has a five-fold mission: (1) “Mobilize and train people of faith to vote and flex their political muscles,” (2) “Speak out in the public arena and in the media on behalf of Christian values,” (3) “Influence legislation and enact sound public policy at every level of government,” (4) “Train citizens for effective civic action,” and (5) “Protest bigotry and discrimination against people of faith.” / Website:
The mission of Family Council in Arkansas is to promote, protect, and strengthen traditional family values found and reflected in the Bible by impacting public opinion and public policy.” / Website:
Family Policy Alliance is the conservative Christian lobbying arm of Focus on the Family that works to mobilize the social conservative movement in America. / Website:
Frontline Policy Council is a conservative Christian policy organization that, according to its website, “is dedicated to educating and equipping Christians to engage in the political sphere.” / Website:
Foundation for Moral Law is a socially conservative, Christian-right, legal advocacy group that was founded by Roy Moore, who was ousted from his position as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama in 2003, for refusing to comply with a federal court order. Foundation for Moral Law pushed a brand of Republican religionism under the guise of Christianity (NBC). The Foundation for Moral Law advocates Moore's Christian right and socially conservative views through the filing of amicus briefs in courts. In 2010, the Foundation for Moral Law allowed its offices to be used to host an "Alabama Secession Day Commemoration" event, celebrating Alabama's secession from the Union in 1861. The event featured a speaker from the League of the South, a group that supports secession of the South from United States and is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group” ( / Website:
According to its website, Galen Institute “was founded in 1995 as a non-profit, Section 501(c)(3) public policy research organization devoted to advancing ideas and policies to create a vibrant, patient-centered health sector. The mission is to facilitate public debate and education about proposals that support individual freedom, consumer choice, and competition in the health sector.” Galen Institute opposes the Affordable Care Act. / Website:
Idaho Family Policy Center is, according to its website, “a ministry that advances the lordship of Christ in the public square through engaging the church, promoting God-honoring public policy, and training statesmen.” The group refers to itself as “the premier conservative Christian policy research and educational organization in the state.” / Website:
The mission of the Institute for Faith and Family states, “We believe faith and families should be celebrated, not regulated.” / Website:
International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers is a lobbying group “for the Religious Liberty of Evangelical Chaplains and Evangelical Service-members.” / Website:
The James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) is a Christian non-profit founded by Dobson. Its mission is “to help preserve and promote the institution of the family and the biblical principles on which it is based; to seek to introduce as many people as possible to the gospel of Jesus Christ; and to promote the sanctity of human life, God-honoring sexuality, religious freedom, respect for the American founding; and righteousness in the culture.” Dobson famously pushed bigotry and pseudoscience during the AIDS epidemic (LA Times). American historian and Calvin University professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez has criticized the brand of Christian masculinity put forward by Dobson, Mark Driscoll, and others. In her book Jesus and John Wayne, she wrote, "It was a vision that promised protection for women but left women without defense, one that worshiped power and turned a blind eye to justice, and one that transformed the Jesus of the Gospels into an image of their own making." / Website:
Judicial Action Group is a conservative Christian 501(c)(4) dark money organization that “advocates for social conservatism in the judicial system. The organization reviews judges based on their records on the issues of marriage, life, and religious liberty as a basis for advocating for or against judicial nominees. JAG believes that, ‘By returning the judiciary to its proper role of deciding cases and not legislating from the bench, [it] will re-empower Congress, the States, and the People to make laws that favor, life, marriage, decency, private property, religious freedom, and other vital American values’” (Influence Watch). / Website:
According to its website, Kansas Family Voice “a Christ-centered organization, our vision is a Kansas where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.” / Website:
According to its website, Liberty Alliance “exists to Fight for Conservative Values Wherever They are Under Attack.” / Website:
Louisiana Family Forum is a social conservative non-profit group; According to its website, the group “is committed to advancing life, liberty, and limited government in the great state of Louisiana!” / Website:
The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, according to its website, “is a religious liberty organization in Washington D.C. that serves as a voice for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and its partners in the public square.” / Website:
Lutherans for Life states that its mission is “Equipping Lutherans and their neighbors to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life.” Lutherans for Life “objects to and opposes the use of in vitro fertilization.” / Website:
Manhattan Institute is a conservative think tank established in Manhattan in 1978. According to its website, Manhattan Institute is “dedicated to advancing opportunity, individual liberty, and the rule of law in America and its great cities.” / Website:
Maryland Family Institute’s website states, “Our goal is simple - protect life, promote marriage, preserve religious liberty and protect parental rights. Alongside you, we’ll fight to enshrine faith, family, and freedom as undeniable, immovable parts of Maryland’s laws for generations to come.”; mission: Equipping God’s people to advance faith, family and freedom in Maryland’s Church, Capitol, and Culture.” / Website:
Massachusetts Family Institute is a conservative Christian lobbying group. Its website states, “Recognizing that healthy families are indispensable to the preservation of a strong and free society, Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) is dedicated to strengthening the family and affirming the Judeo-Christian values upon which it is based.” / Website:
The mission of Men and Women for a Representative Democracy in America is “to promote Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy.” / Website:
The mission of Men for Life is “to protect and expand human rights by encouraging men to be informed, active, and purposeful defenders of life.” / Website:
Minnesota Family Council is a conservative Christian, public policy organization. Its mission is “to strategically advance biblical truth in the public arena for life, family and religious freedom, through citizenship worthy of the gospel of Christ.” According to its website, “MFC envisions a Minnesota where God is honored, life is cherished at all stages, families thrive according to God’s design, and religious freedom flourishes, for the good of all Minnesotans and the glory of Jesus Christ.” / Website:
Montana Family Foundation is a conservative Christian lobbying organization. Its goal is “to strengthen the family by education Montanans on public policy issues that impact the family and equip them to promote traditional values.” / Website:
The mission of The National Catholic Bioethics Center is “to provide education, guidance, and resources to the Church and society to uphold the dignity of the human person in health care and biomedical research, thereby sharing in the ministry of Jesus Christ and his Church.” / Website:
The National Right to Life Committee was founded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to oppose abortion. NRLC is the oldest and largest national anti-abortion organization in the United States with affiliates in all 50 states. Its mission is “to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death.” The Tennessee chapter of NRLC, Tennessee Right to Life, wrote Tennessee’s abortion ban that included zero exceptions— not even an exception to save the life of the pregnant person. While the Tennessee legislature was working to add an amendment to Tennessee’s abortion ban to save the life of the pregnant person, NRLC’s Tennessee chapter, Tennessee Right to Life, vociferously fought against the amendment (ProPublica). / Website:
Nebraska Family Alliance is a conservative Christian lobbying group. Its mission is to “advance family, freedom, and life by influencing policy, mobilizing prayer, and empowering people.” / Website:
New Jersey Family Foundation’s vision is “to see a state where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.” It’s website states, “We are committed to Repealing the new Sex Ed Learning Standards.” / Website:
New Mexico Family Action Movement is a conservative Christian organization. Its goal is “to transform the culture of New Mexico to one that honors God as we: Protect and cherish life from conception to natural end. Safeguard the family unit and become an environment in which it can thrive. Boldly defend and preserve religious freedom, free from government interference.” / Website:
New Yorker’s Family Research Foundation is a conservative Christian lobbying group, and the educational arm of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedom. Its website states, “New York Families Foundation equips and empowers New Yorkers of faith for effective participation in their government.” / Website:
North Carolina Family Policy Council is a conservative Christian group that describes itself as “engaged in a battle to retain the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of western civilization. These are the same values which supported the establishment of the United States and which are embodied in the Ten Commandments and in the founding documents of our nation.” / Website:
North Dakota Family Alliance is a conservative Christin lobbying group. Its mission is “to equip North Dakotans to engage in God-honoring citizenship and advocate for policies that strengthen Faith, Family, and Freedom.” / Website:
Palmetto Family Council is a conservative Christian lobbying group. Its mission is “to persuasively present biblical principles in the centers of influence on issues affecting the family through research, communication, and networking.” / Website:
Pennsylvania Family Institute is a conservative Christian lobbying group. Its mission is “to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society.” / Website:
Roughrider Policy Center is a conservative think tank. The group describes itself as “NORTH DAKOTA'S THINK TANK.” its mission is “to promote and defend liberty and free enterprise in North Dakota.” / Website:
Samaritan’s Purse is an evangelical Christian, humanitarian aid organization. Its president is Franklin Graham. Its mission statement states, “Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.” / Website:
60 Plus Association is a conservative, dark money advocacy group for senior citizens, known for its factually inaccurate ad campaigns. / Website:
South Dakota Family Voice Action is a conservative Christians lobbying group. Its goal is “to protect family values in South Dakota.” / Website:
Stanton International is an international network of anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers (pregnancy resource centers). “In addition to counseling against abortion and [offering] limited health services, Stanton offers a controversial and unregulated treatment which has been denounced by the American Medical Association for its limited data and unproven claims” (Idaho Capitol Sun). / Website:
Texas Values is a conservative Christian lobbying group. Its mission is “to preserve and advance a culture of family values in the state of Texas.”; goal: “to stand for biblical, Judeo-Christian values by ensuring Texas is a state in which religious liberty flourishes, families prosper, and every human life is valued.” / Website:
The Family Foundation in Kentucky is conservative Christian public policy organization. Its mission is to stand “for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong by advocating for God-honoring public policy in our Commonwealth.” According to its website, “The Family Foundation works to engage His church and encourage His people to be the salt and light they are called to be while promoting biblically sound public policy that points people back to God’s good design for the wellbeing of our neighbors.” / Website:
The Family Foundation (TFF) of Virginia is a socially conservative and Christian fundamentalist lobbying organization Family Foundation of Virginia, as a Family Policy Council, is affiliated with the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family. The group opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, sex education, etc. The Family Foundation (TFF) of Virginia’s mission statement states, “The Family Foundation preserves and promotes the family in Virginia as God’s foundation upon which all free and thriving societies are built.” / Website:
The FAMiLY Leader is a socially conservative, Christian umbrella group comprising The Family Leader Foundation, Marriage Matters, Iowa Family PAC, and Iowans for Freedom. Its mission is “inspiring the Church to engage Government for the advance of God’s Kingdom and the strengthening of Family.” / Website:
According to its website, The Justice Foundation “seeks to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of American society by providing free legal services to promote those rights.” / Website:
radition, Family, Property, Inc. is part of the Tradition, Family, Property movement. It opposes requiring priests to report the sexual abuse of children to law enforcement authorities.
Two Kingdoms Ministry is an all-male group of pastors and laymen that, according to the group’s amicus brief, “exists to encourage and equip Christians to effectively engage in Church and Society.” Its mission is “to encourage and equip Christians to effectively engage in Church and Society.” / Website:
The United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops “is an assembly of the hierarchy of bishops who jointly exercise pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands.” / Website:
Wisconsin Family Action’s mission “is to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life, and liberty.” / Website:
Wyoming Family Alliance is a conservative Christian public policy organization that claims, “We represent Jesus Christ in all we do and as such we conduct our business in a way honoring to Christ and consistent with Scripture.” / Website:
Young America’s Foundation is a conservative youth organization known for its extremism, and for spreading half-truths and falsehoods. Its mission is “to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.” / Website:
They can call themselves Christian conservatives but just because they do doesn’t make it true. The API, Alabama Policy Institute has been responsible for pushing “pro-life” policies in our laws that have lead to deterioration in education and healthcare in our state. It has been run by conservative heads one in particular who was a state senator who helped craft a dangerous policy on abortion that violates a number of constitutional rights. I can only hope that the federal law EMTALA will torch these diabolical policies of extremist state abortion bans.