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All believers in the Pro Life movement should do exactly what you’ve done here. It’s all to easy to blindly trust someone else’s beliefs/data and to trust them at face value and to leave it to them to decide the agenda. I’ve always heard the ultrasound was always the be all end all of proof for any pregnant woman to dissuade her from having an abortion. I was always very skeptical of that claim. Like you, I have looked for the hard evidence as well and pretty much found what you’ve found. I too found the 2014 study that you have site here. This is far from the 80% that PL leaders spout to everyone.

They’re just outright lying to the masses about their claims. They’re a cult. They reject scientific and empirical evidence as well as medically proven evidence concerning abortion as well as contraception and assisted reproductive technologies and obstetrical treatment and healthcare. It’s as though quackery is part of their narrative. They have woven it into the fabric of government, religion, and healthcare. They should be exposed for who and what they are.

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